Out of County - BC
If an Admin BC is working and then goes out of county:
Example: on 1/9/2025, BC Whittet regular Admin Shift is 0600-1600. He deployed to LA at 1130.
B2 – 0600-1130 – Regular (5.5hr)
B1 – 1130-1600 – OOCRP (4.5hr)
B1 – 1600-0730 – OOCOT (14hr)
On the Roster, we need 3 vacancies for 1/9/2025 because
- Go to Roster for the day, left click on a blank area on the date line and select Deploy.
- Select the shift.
- Type in the From and Through time. In this case we need:
B1 – 1130-1600 – OOCRP (4.5hr)
- Select the Unit you want to deploy from the list. In this case we are deploying a BC, so select Battalion Chief 2 from the list.
- Now select the Position from the list.
- On the top right click Deploy Another and save. This is because you need to add the OOC Reg pay and OT, you need to deploy another.
- You will still be in the Deploy screen.
- The same shift will be selected for that date.
- Change the From and Through time. In this case we need:
B1 – 1600-0730 – OOCOT (14hr)
- The Unit should still be selected (in this case Battalion Chief 2).
- Select the Position from the list.
- Click Save and you will be in the Roster.
- You will see the vacant positions at the bottom.
- To fill the positions, click on the head in the top right corner. This will bring up the list of people on the left-hand side.
- Find the person’s name (i.e. BC Whittet) and drag him to the correct line.
- Select Out of County Regular Pay. The From and Thru times should be correct. If they are not, you can correct them now. Then click Save.
- Find BC Whittet’s name and drag him to the other line. This is for his Out of County OT.
- Select Out of County OT. The From and Thru times should be correct. If they are not, you can correct them now. Then click Save.
- For Battalion 1 Roster, you will see his 4.5 and 15.5 hours.
- And for Admin Roster, you will see the 5.5 hours.
If the Admin person will be out of county for a while
- To find out what their working days and non-working days are:
- Select the Admin Roster
- Take note of the days and times they work.
- In this screenshot it says Taul works Tu-F 6-4 and BC Whittet works M-Th 6-4.
Working day
- Go to Roster for the day, left click on a blank area on the date line and select Deploy.
- Select the correct date, shift, and Unit
- For Working days, you will need to deploy twice.
- Enter info for the Regular pay. Select the date, shift, from and through time, unit, and select the Battalion Chief position.
- 0730-1730 - Out of County Regular
- On the top right click Deploy Another and save. This is because you need to add the OOC OT pay so it keeps you in this screen.
- Enter info for the Overtime pay. Select the date, shift, from and through time, unit, and select the Battalion Chief position.
- 1730-0730 – Out of County OT
- Click Save.
- You will see the vacant position at the bottom for both the 10 hour and 14 hours.
- To fill the positions, click on the head in the top right corner. This will bring up the list of people on the left-hand side.
- Find the person’s name (i.e. BC Whittet) and drag him to the correct line.
- Confirm the information is correct for the Overtime and click Save.
- The OT hours are 14 hours. Make sure the work code and hours reflect that.
- Do the same for the other open position.
- Confirm the information is correct and click Save.
- The Regular hours are 10 hours. Make sure the work code and hours reflect that.
- You will see the correct code with the correct hours.
Non-Working day
- Go to Roster for the day, left click on a blank area on the date line and select Deploy.
- Select the correct date, shift, and Unit
- For Non-Working day, enter info in the From and Through time and select the Battalion Chief position.
- 0730-0730 - Out of County OT
- You will see the vacant position at the bottom for 24 hours.
- To fill the positions, click on the head in the top right corner. This will bring up the list of people on the left-hand side.
- Find the person’s name (i.e. BC Whittet) and drag him to the correct line.
- Out of County OT will be here. Just click Save.
- You will see the 1 line for the OT for out of county.